A.C.E. Awareness (Part 1)
This video focuses on the first part of A.C.E., which is “awareness”. Learn how developing your awareness of the daily experiences of your life will help you to live a more mindful life.
Learn the foundations for living a mindful life by using Dr Kathleen Hall’s ACE technique. Based on her book, “Alter Your Life: Overbooked? Overworked? Overwhelmed?”, Dr Hall explains that three ideas that are the foundation for living a mindful life. These three ideas are awareness, choice, and energy, which is easy to remember as ACE.
The key is to become aware of these three key elements in your life and learn how to navigate them. As a result, you will make new and different choices, because you now know that life is your choice. You will radiate confidence as you follow this energy, and you will be led down the path to your intentional life. Your energy will fuel your passion and as a result you will experience the joy of living a mindful and intentional life. Once you understand each component, you will see that they are woven into the fabric of living a mindful life. This three part video series will show you how to “ace” your life as you build a foundation to live a mindful live.
This video focuses on the first part of A.C.E., which is “awareness”. Learn how developing your awareness of the daily experiences of your life will help you to live a more mindful life.
This video focuses on the second part of A.C.E., which is “choice”. Dr Hall explains that as you gain more awareness about your life, you will be lead to a desire to exercise intentional choices in your life.
This video focuses on the third and final part of A.C.E., which is “energy”. After developing your awareness (the first key part) and making intentional choices (the second key part) you in turn create new energy in your life.